Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Homemade Pizza (Two Ingredients Pizza Dough)

When I say homemade pizza, I mean to make everything from scratch including the dough. This two ingredients pizza dough was the most perfect recipe ever.


For the dough

1 cup Greek Yogurt
1 - 2 cups Self-Raising Flour

For the topping

Sweetened Can Pineapples
Tomato Sauce (for Spaghetti)

It all depends on your own topping's preference. We love Hawaiian flavour.

~ Step 1 ~

First start by pouring one cup of self-raising flour into a bowl. Then pour in Greek yogurt. As the yogurt may be too watery, slowly incorporate in some flour until you get the sticky dough feel.

~ Step 2 ~ 

Knead the dough into a round ball before rolling it flat with a rolling pin.

~ Step 3 ~ 

Prepare other ingredients for the pizza's topping. 

~ Step 4 ~ 

Spread Spaghetti's tomato sauce onto pizza dough as a base. Arrange all ingredients on top.

~ Step 5 ~ 

Bake the pizza in the oven at 220 degrees celcius for about 15 minutes. Tata to our homemade pizza with overflowing toppings.